Baggage Employees- Can’t I just get rid of them?

‘I have a staff member that just isn’t performing, I just want them to go, it’s affecting my business and costing me money, it’s easy to let them go isn’t it?’

This question has come to me a number of times recently when talking to my clients
Unfortunately, it just isn’t as simple as that, there are a number of avenues you have to look at, but firstly ask yourself a few questions-

Why are they underperforming?
Do they know what good performance is?
Is their Line Manager managing them?
Have they had the right guidance and support in their role?
Do they know there is a problem?
Are there issues outside of work which could be affecting their performance?

Addressing the above questions will help understand if it is something as an employer you can change and make the difference between a ‘baggage’ employee and a high achieving employee.

So, what do you need to do now…….


Talk to the Line Manager to fully understand what the performance issue is and how it’s affecting the performance levels in their role.

The Line Manager needs to understand directly from the underperforming employee what is going on. Talking to them face to face will help gauge the situation and what the factors are which are affecting them. If they are totally unaware make sure they are aware that there is a problem. Without potentially knowing there is a problem they will carry on as if everything is fine.

In directly talking with the employee you will create more options/solutions for them and your business-

Second Chance- Give the employee another chance to prove you wrong. Enable them to be the employee you employed them to be
Team- Lifting the team, if an employee isn’t doing what they should be doing, it will affect other team members
Disciplinary- Avoid going down the disciplinary route which is always a route most companies don’t want to take
Engaged Employee- Once you have addressed the situation with the employee the chances are you will have a more motivated and on-board member of staff

I have written ‘Top Tips – Engaging with Underperforming Employees’, if you would like a copy of the guide please comment below or send me a message and I will send you the guide.